Variable Variable Abbreviation Definition Decision Maker Takeaway Formula
Hearing Loss Prevalence HLp Babies diagnosed with permanent hearing loss per 1,000 screened This metric can easily identify the states with higher/lower hearing loss prevalence, and additionally, this information helps determine the need for additional investment in audiology services. It was calculated using the formula HL / Tscr * 1000.
Screened Before 1 Month of Age Rate Tscr1r Rate of babies screened before 1 month of age per 1,000 screened This metric identifies whether the system is able to screen majority of babies before 1 month of age as it intends. It was calculated using the formula Tscr1 / Tscr * 1000.
Not Pass Rate NPr Rate of babies who did not pass their final/most recent screening (inpatient/outpatient) per 1,000 screened This metric will help audiologists and researchers compare the rate of babies that have failed their most recent/last screening tests. It was calculated using the formula TotNotPas / Tscr * 1000.
Loss to Follow-Up Rate LTFr Rate of babies who were lost to follow-up after not passing their screening, and documented as one of three reasons (parents/family contacted but unresponsive, unable to contact or unknown status) per 1,000 screened This metric serves as a valuable tool for decision-makers to identify and address the specific reasons behind the loss of babies in the EHDI program, allowing for targeted interventions to improve follow-up rates. It was calculated using the formula LTF / Tscr * 1000.
Cleared Out of System Rate CLEARr Rate of babies cleared out of the EHDI system after not passing last/final screening (did not undergo diagnostics but unaccounted for as lost to follow-up) per 1,000 screened This metric directs decision-makers attention to individuals at a higher risk of permanent hearing loss who have not been identified in the EHDI program’s screening and diagnostics. It was calculated using the formula CLEAR / Tscr * 1000. At this time, the CLEAR metric was calculated using Total Not Pass Last Screening and may lead to some unexpected results. For example, with South Dakota in 2021. We are reviewing this and a second metric on not passing – Total Not Pass – that includes babies who were not screened. We will make adjustments as decisions are made.
Diagnosis Rate Dr Rate of diagnosis (no hearing loss, transient hearing loss, or permanent hearing loss) per 1,000 screened This metric enables policymakers to analyze states with a burden of hearing loss cases needing attention. It was calculated using the formula TDia / Tscr * 1000.
Early Intervention Rate EIr Rate of enrollment in early intervention (Part C & Non-Part C) per 1,000 screened This metric aids in determining the enrollment into early intervention, allowing decision-makers to allocate resources wisely. Additionally, this metric can also be utilized as a reference point for permanent hearing loss cases. It was calculated using the formula EI / Tscr * 1000.
Early Intervention Before 6 Months of Age Rate EI6r Rate of enrollment in early intervention before 6 months of age (Part C & Non-Part C) per 1,000 screened This metric aids in determining the enrollment into early intervention before 6 months of age, helping policymakers to determine the resource distribution. Additionally, this metric can also be utilized as a reference point for permanent hearing loss cases. It was calculated using the formula EI6 / Tscr * 1000.
Total Screened (%) PerTscr Percentage of babies who entered the EHDI program (had inpatient and/or outpatient screening) out of total births reported to the EHDI Program This metric helps calculate the reach of the EHDI program. It was calculated using the formula Tscr / Birth * 100.
Not Screened (%) PerTNscr Percentage of babies not screened out of total births reported This metric highlights babies who are not a beneficiary of the EHDI program. It was calculated using the formula TNscr / Birth * 100.
Total Screened Before 1 Month (%) PerTscr1 Percentage of babies screened before 1 month of age out of total births reported to the EHDI Program This metric helps identify whether babies are being screened before 1 month of age as EHDI aims. It was calculated using the formula Tscr1 / Birth * 100.
Passed Screening Before 1 Month (%) PerPas1 Percentage of babies who passed screening before 1 month of age out of total babies screened before 1 month of age This metric shows babies who make it through the first stage of screening and most likely do not need further diagnosis or support. It was calculated using the formula TotPas1 / Tscr1 * 100.
Not Passed Screening Before 1 Month (%) PerNotPas1 Percentage of babies who did not pass screening before 1 month of age out of total babies screened before 1 month of age This metric highlights babies who are more likely to have hearing loss and are being identified before 1 month of age as the EHDI system aims. It was calculated using the formula TotNotPas1 / Tscr1 * 100.
Passed Inpatient Screening (%) PerPIS Percentage of babies who passed inpatient screening out of total babies screened This metrics helps identify babies who are more likely to not have permanent loss. It was calculated using the formula PIS / Tscr * 100.
Not Passed Inpatient Screening (%) PerNPIS Percentage of babies who did not pass inpatient screening out of total babies screened This metric helps identify babies who are more likely to have permanent hearing loss, guiding intervention based on these numbers. It was calculated using the formula NPIS / Tscr * 100.
Referred to Outpatient Screening (%) PerReferToOPS Percentage of babies referred to outpatient screening out of those who did not pass their inpatient screening This metric helps identify babies needing outpatient screening and requires special attention. It was calculated using the formula ReferToOPS / NPIS * 100.
Referred Straight to Diagnostics (%) PerReferStDia Percentage of babies referred directly to diagnostics out of those who did not pass their inpatient screening This metric highlights babies requiring special attention as they lie in a higher probability zone of hearing loss because of familial history or any chronic diseases. It was calculated using the formula ReInStDia / NPIS * 100.
Outpatient Screened (%) PerOPS Percentage of actual outpatient screenings (documented as pass/fail) out of those who were referred to outpatient screening This metric accounts for those who reported to outpatient screening and indicates those who did not report to outpatient screening. It was calculated using the formula OPS / ReferToOPS * 100.
Not Passed Outpatient Screening (%) PerNPOS Percentage of babies who did not pass their outpatient screening out of those who were outpatient screened This metric helps determine the actual need for intervention services for babies across the region. It was calculated using the formula NPOS / OPS * 100.
Loss to Follow-Up (%) PerLTF Percentage of babies with documented loss to follow-up out of those who did not pass their final/most recent screening test This metric helps policymakers to make adjustments in the existing policy to track back the lost babies not passed. It was calculated using the formula LTF / TotNotPas * 100.
Diagnosed (%) PerD Percentage of babies diagnosed with either hearing loss or no hearing loss out of those tho did not pass their last/final screening This metric can used as a measure of performance comparing states’ and cities. It was calculated using the formula TDia / TotNotPas * 100.
Diagnosed Hearing Loss (%) PerDHL Percentage of babies with hearing loss out of those diagnosed with either hearing loss or no hearing loss This metric traces the burden of actual hearing loss cases. It was calculated using the formula HL / TDia * 100.
Hearing Loss Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age (%) PerHL3 Percentage of babies diagnosed with hearing loss before 3 months of age out of total with hearing loss This metric helps decision-makers to focus on the interventions targetting children before 3 months of age. It was calculated using the formula HL3 / HL * 100.
Enrolled in EI (%) PerEI Percentage of enrollment in early intervention out of total with hearing loss (Part C & Non-Part C) This metric highlights the proportion of babies with hearing loss who are enrolled in intervention, providing insights into enrollment patterns. It was calculated using the formula EI / HL * 100.
Enrolled in EI Before 6 Months of Age (%) PerEI6 Percentage of enrollment in early intervention before 6 months of age out of total with hearing loss (Part C & Non-Part C) This metric enables decision-makers to evaluate the effectiveness of the early intervention program in achieving timely enrollments. It was calculated using the formula EI6 / HL * 100.
Total Screened Before 1 Month Tscr1 Total babies who entered the EHDI program (had inpatient and/or outpatient screening) before 1 month of age This metric tracks the total number of screened infants before 1 month of age and provides insights into program reach and effectiveness, where a goal of EHDI is to have all infants screened for hearing loss before 1 month. TotPas1 + TotNotPas1. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exception: 1) At least one value required - if both values were missing, sum was considered missing.
Total Passed Inpatient Screening PIS Total babies who passed inpatient screening This metric helps decisionmakers to compare states and cities with babies who are passing the first stage, inpatient screening. It was calculated using the formula PaInNoOut + PaInPaOut + PaInReOut. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all three values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing.
Total Not Passed Inpatient Screening NPIS Total babies who did not pass inpatient screening This metric helps policymakers to compare states and cities with the potential babies needing attention or EHDI services. It was calculated using the formula ReInNoOut + ReInReOut + ReInPaOut + ReInStDia. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all four values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing.
Total Referred to Outpatient Screening ReferToOPS Total babies referred to the outpatient screening, considered to be anyone who had an outpatient screening or who did not pass inpatient screening This metric helps to directly track and compare outpatient load and keep track of those who not accessed outpatient services despite being referred. It was calculated using the formula NoInPaOut + NoInReOut + ReInNoOut + ReInReOut + ReInPaOut + PaInPaOut + PaInReOut. This formula is equivalent to (POS + ReInNoOut). Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all seven values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing.
Total Outpatient Screened OPS Total babies who passed or failed the outpatient screening This metric enables decision makers to help see the actual burden of outpatient screening services and weight between inpatient or outpatient services. It was calculated using the formula POS + NPOS. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exception: 1) At least one value required - if both values were missing, sum was considered missing.
Total Passed Outpatient Screening POS Total babies who did not pass inpatient screening because of temporary conditions that resolved before the second screening This metric will help decision makers visualize outpatient screening burden. It was calculated using the formula NoInPaOut + ReInPaOut + PaInPaOut. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all three values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing.
Total Not Pass Outpatient Screening NPOS Total babies who did not pass outpatient screening This metric highlights babies that did not pass inpatient screening, it represents babies who failed two screenings and thus are more likely to have a higher percentage of babies who will be found to have hearing loss upon diagnosis. It was calculated using the formula NoInReOut + ReInReOut + PaInReOut. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all three values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing.
Total Cleared Out of System CLEAR Total babies cleared out of the EHDI system after not passing last/final screening (did not undergo diagnostics but unaccounted for as lost to follow-up) This metric direct decision-makers’ attention to individuals at a higher risk of permanent hearing loss who have not been identified in the EHDI program’s screening and diagnostics. It was calculated using the formula TotNotPas - (TDia + LTF). This was treated as the sum of three variables (TotNotPas, -TDia, -LTF). Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exceptions: 1) If all three values were missing, sum was considered missing. 2) At least two values required - if only one value was available, the sum was considered missing. At this time, this CLEAR metric was calculated using Total Not Pass Last Screening and may lead to some unexpected results. For example, with South Dakota in 2021. We are reviewing this and a second metric on not passing – Total Not Pass – that includes babies who were not screened. We will make adjustments as decisions are made.
Total Enrolled in EI (Part C & Non-Part C) EI Total enrollment in early intervention (Part C & Non-Part C) This metric serves as a key identifier for assessing the overall enrollement into the early intervention. It was calculated using the formula ToEnEIPC + ToEnrEINPC. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exception: 1) At least one value required - if both values were missing, sum was considered missing.
Total Enrolled in EI Before 6 Months of Age (Part C & Non-Part C) EI6 Total enrollment in early intervention before 6 months of age (Part C & Non-Part C) This metric serves as a key identifier for assessing the overall enrollment into the early intervention before 6 months of age. It was calculated using the formula ToEnrEI6PC + ToEnrEI6NPC. Any missing value in the sum was ignored (treated as zero). Exception: 1) At least one value required - if both values were missing, sum was considered missing.